Read S'more Counter

Minutes Online!

If you would like to send minutes online, please write in the comments box the minutes and the class you are in! If you have sent them online, do not turn them in again to your teacher.

Parent Letter

Dear Parents,

Our school is participating in a program called Read-A-Million-Minutes. This year the theme is "Camp Read S’More." The activities and work the students will be doing throughout the year are designed to encourage children’s enjoyment of reading.

The goal is for students and staff of Corning Elementary School to read 1,000,000 minutes. Your part is two-fold. You are asked: 1) to provide encouragement for each of your children to read and 2) to sign the form used to tally the minutes read and send it back to school each Friday in the Communication Envelope. Students will receive their reporting form in their Communication Envelope.

Each child may have free choice of what to read. Books, magazines, comic books, newspapers, and other such materials are appropriate. The main goal is to encourage students to read.

For younger students unable to read much by themselves, parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, babysitters, or other readers may read to them. Therefore, if an older student reads to a non-reader, both may get credit for reading time. Various amounts of time will also be allowed during the school day for enjoyment reading. We would like to encourage your students to read each night beyond this school reading.

This special project "Camp Read S’More" is our way of stressing that reading is indeed important to all and will be in the future.
Thank you for your help and cooperation!